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"The Beginnings"

Established in January of 2001, the Michigan Mountaineers Division began training at the United States Coast Guard Station in Traverse City Michigan under the Command of Joseph Variot. The name Michigan Mountaineers came from the Battleship U.S.S. West Virginia on which Commander Variot served. West Virginia is called the Mountain State and those from there are called Mountaineers. The ships news paper was also called the Mountaineer.

In April of 2001 the unit was handed over to LCDR Daniel Tinney who also helped establish the unit and continued training at the Coast Guard facility in Traverse City. The unit moved from Traverse City to the Camp Grayling Joint Operations National Guard Base and remained there for almost 20 years.

In April of 2019 LCDR David Anscomb (Current Commander) took command after LCDR Tinney retired. Within the first year of taking command the unit had to find a new home due to state budget cuts. The unit was moved to the Lake City Christian Reformed Church in Lake City Michigan.


Often being associated with the Boy Scouts due to the name Michigan Mountaineers a change in the units name was discussed and in order to be more related to the Sea Services was changed to the U.S.S. Michigan SSGN727 Division in September of 2022. During the name change ceremony a member of the U.S.S. Michigan's crew was present.

Starting in September of 2024 the units new home will be in Gaylord Michigan due to it's central location. The U.S.S. Michigan Division covers all of Northern Michigan and most of the UP.